Run for the Kids
I just got home from the Run for the Kids and what a great event. On my stopwatch I recorded 14.7km in 1:16:48.
The day started fairly early. My wife Sal and I met a friend of ours, Salli, and her sister-in-law Karen and together we caught the train in to Melbourne.

We arrived at Southern Cross (formerly Spencer Street) three minutes late (thanks Connex). Then wandered over to where the race was starting outside of Telstra Dome.

I needed to go to the toilet but after lining up at the end of a queue that was about 60 deep and not moving that fast, I decided I didn't need to go that much after all. Hanging on to it I kissed my wife goodbye, wished everyone good luck then joined the other runners in the start line.
Miraculously the girls managed to find me in the crowd and took a picture. See if you can pick me out (clue:look for the Coolrunning cap).

I was a little disappointed to see that Cathy Freeman was the Race Starter. I had first heard that she would be participating and I figured I may have had a fair chance of beating her. Never mind Cathy there is always next year.
Surprisingly the race started spot on time at 8:40am. It was the usual shuffle until the crowd started running then just trying to run without tripping over. I manage to weave in and out a little and noticed I crossed the 1km mark in 5 minutes something.
The course then entered the long climb up the Bolte Bridge. It wasn't very steep, just long. The view from the top was awesome.

At the 4km mark I missed the drink station but decided to push on. It was at this point when I started having a little bowel pain. My bodies idea of punishment for being impatient and missing the toilet stop earlier I suppose. It passed after a little while and I continued running.
At the 7km drink station I a grabbed a cup of water, sipping a little then pouring the rest of it over my head. My guts were still giving me pain. I didn't fancy queuing at the port-a-loo so I pushed on into the Domain Tunnel.
At first the tunnel expercience was kind of cool. Then after awhile I noticed how humid and still the air was. With the slight smell of exhaust fumes the tunnel novelty soon wore of quickly. It felt great to reach the surface and feel a cool breeze.
At the 9km mark I witnessed an alarming incident. I had just been passed by a guy pushing a three-wheeled, tandem pram with two kids on board. He ran over a grate in the road and one of the back wheels dropped down and caught a little. Then he proceeded to run on over the next grate. Well this time the front wheel went down and got stuck. The pram tipped over forward and the runner somersaulted over the top. I and a few others stopped to offer help righting the pram. The kids seemed unhurt but both were crying from the shock of it all. The mum showed up then and encouraged us all on, offering thanks for stopping to assist.
It was at the 10.5km drink station that my body begged me to stop and use the toilet. I paused the watch but may have lost three or four minutes from my official race time. I rejoined the race determined to make up for the frustrating but well needed break.
The next 4km's was very inspiring. Running up Swanston street, with a few spectators cheering us on felt great. I was reminded of AC/DC's original video clip "Long way to the top (if you want to rock and roll)". This was filmed in the late 70's with the whole band, lead by the late Bon Scott, on the back of a truck, rocking away while driving up Swanston St Melbourne.
It was a little disappointing crossing the finish line. I felt like I could have run further, reinforcing in my mind the next goal of a half marathon.
I collected my gear and went back down the line to cheer the girls on. I found Sal and Karen, fighting it out like the classic battle of Robert DeCastella and Jumma Ikangaa in the '82 Commonwealth Marathon. Salli was valiantly following on a little way behind. The girls had forgotten to take a stop watch but believed they had walked the 4.5km in under an hour. Well done ladies!
We hung around to learn that I didn't win the random draw of a new Mazda 3 and then headed back home on the tram and train.
In all it was a great event. I will be in it again next year for sure and Sal has even announced that she will have a crack at the 14.7km walk.
I am now planning competing in a half marathon 28 May 2006.
The day started fairly early. My wife Sal and I met a friend of ours, Salli, and her sister-in-law Karen and together we caught the train in to Melbourne.

We arrived at Southern Cross (formerly Spencer Street) three minutes late (thanks Connex). Then wandered over to where the race was starting outside of Telstra Dome.

I needed to go to the toilet but after lining up at the end of a queue that was about 60 deep and not moving that fast, I decided I didn't need to go that much after all. Hanging on to it I kissed my wife goodbye, wished everyone good luck then joined the other runners in the start line.
Miraculously the girls managed to find me in the crowd and took a picture. See if you can pick me out (clue:look for the Coolrunning cap).

I was a little disappointed to see that Cathy Freeman was the Race Starter. I had first heard that she would be participating and I figured I may have had a fair chance of beating her. Never mind Cathy there is always next year.
Surprisingly the race started spot on time at 8:40am. It was the usual shuffle until the crowd started running then just trying to run without tripping over. I manage to weave in and out a little and noticed I crossed the 1km mark in 5 minutes something.
The course then entered the long climb up the Bolte Bridge. It wasn't very steep, just long. The view from the top was awesome.

At the 4km mark I missed the drink station but decided to push on. It was at this point when I started having a little bowel pain. My bodies idea of punishment for being impatient and missing the toilet stop earlier I suppose. It passed after a little while and I continued running.
At the 7km drink station I a grabbed a cup of water, sipping a little then pouring the rest of it over my head. My guts were still giving me pain. I didn't fancy queuing at the port-a-loo so I pushed on into the Domain Tunnel.
At first the tunnel expercience was kind of cool. Then after awhile I noticed how humid and still the air was. With the slight smell of exhaust fumes the tunnel novelty soon wore of quickly. It felt great to reach the surface and feel a cool breeze.
At the 9km mark I witnessed an alarming incident. I had just been passed by a guy pushing a three-wheeled, tandem pram with two kids on board. He ran over a grate in the road and one of the back wheels dropped down and caught a little. Then he proceeded to run on over the next grate. Well this time the front wheel went down and got stuck. The pram tipped over forward and the runner somersaulted over the top. I and a few others stopped to offer help righting the pram. The kids seemed unhurt but both were crying from the shock of it all. The mum showed up then and encouraged us all on, offering thanks for stopping to assist.
It was at the 10.5km drink station that my body begged me to stop and use the toilet. I paused the watch but may have lost three or four minutes from my official race time. I rejoined the race determined to make up for the frustrating but well needed break.
The next 4km's was very inspiring. Running up Swanston street, with a few spectators cheering us on felt great. I was reminded of AC/DC's original video clip "Long way to the top (if you want to rock and roll)". This was filmed in the late 70's with the whole band, lead by the late Bon Scott, on the back of a truck, rocking away while driving up Swanston St Melbourne.
It was a little disappointing crossing the finish line. I felt like I could have run further, reinforcing in my mind the next goal of a half marathon.
I collected my gear and went back down the line to cheer the girls on. I found Sal and Karen, fighting it out like the classic battle of Robert DeCastella and Jumma Ikangaa in the '82 Commonwealth Marathon. Salli was valiantly following on a little way behind. The girls had forgotten to take a stop watch but believed they had walked the 4.5km in under an hour. Well done ladies!
We hung around to learn that I didn't win the random draw of a new Mazda 3 and then headed back home on the tram and train.
In all it was a great event. I will be in it again next year for sure and Sal has even announced that she will have a crack at the 14.7km walk.
I am now planning competing in a half marathon 28 May 2006.
Good on you Damian,
Pity about the need for a pitstop its always that way at the start isn't it?
You probably are ready for a half but make sure you run at least that far in training first.Its only 7 weeks away look forward to hearing of your progress.
Hey sparks nice work that is a great time for 14.7k - you are going to enjoy a half.
Good job Spark!
sounds like a top day! great report!
Which half are you doing? (hahaha I told you you could do one and now you are going to LOL)
What a great report! Love the photos, those are cities!!
Next time you'll beat her, maybe as she knew you were participating she prefer not to show up...
So you stopped for the accident and then to the toilet... still a very good time!
Thanks Hilda. Although I should clarify that I made it to the toilet before I had a accident.
I can't imagine what would one do in that situation? Eewww!!
Good stuff! Must admit I got to the finish half wishing it had been a rice round 15km....
I ran with a friend that needed a loo break and reckon I lost about 6mins off my time - don't know what people are doing in there mid-race that would take so long! Or don't want to know, more to the point.....
Sounds like a very eventful run! Wish all mine were that exciting! Great Job.
Good going Spark Driver......I'm a little peeved I couldn't make this one.
Hey, you should have titled your post, "Where's Wally".
Fantastic race SD!! Top pics too.
That was just so thoughtful of you to stop and help the guy with the double stroller. Wonder what time you would have done without that and the toilet stop.
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