The quest continues...
I woke early this morning to run my regular, 10km circuit. I completed the 10.14km distance in 0:52:06.
More Motionbased details can be found here.
Today I took the chance to trial a new running accessoriery. While away on Strike Team to Briagalong late last year I acquired a Hi-Vis Camelback from the Department of Sustainability and Enviroment.
Yes, it is very bright, but it was free, and I ran the 10k's with no rubbing or hinderance. A handy, 2 litre hydration pack for my long runs.
This run brings my yearly total to 71.28. By my it calculation I am approaching Wandong in Victoria on my quest of Running to Rockhampton.
Wandong is a town on the Hume highway with a population of 1,500. It is situated on the Great Dividing Range and adjacent to the Mount Disappointment State Forest. The township was formed in 1876 and in its heyday Wandong boasted a large timber industry, seasoning works and brickworks. The name 'Wandong' is aboriginal dialect for 'Ghost' (gee I love Google). It is also home to the Wandong Country Music Festival (Yeehaa!).
Late Edit: I have read everyones blogs via Bloglines but for some darned reason I can't post comments at the moment! Fark Farken Bloger!!! (Whoops did I say that out loud??).
Looking forward to catching up when the Blogger boffins get their shit together.
More Motionbased details can be found here.
Today I took the chance to trial a new running accessoriery. While away on Strike Team to Briagalong late last year I acquired a Hi-Vis Camelback from the Department of Sustainability and Enviroment.
Yes, it is very bright, but it was free, and I ran the 10k's with no rubbing or hinderance. A handy, 2 litre hydration pack for my long runs.
This run brings my yearly total to 71.28. By my it calculation I am approaching Wandong in Victoria on my quest of Running to Rockhampton.
Wandong is a town on the Hume highway with a population of 1,500. It is situated on the Great Dividing Range and adjacent to the Mount Disappointment State Forest. The township was formed in 1876 and in its heyday Wandong boasted a large timber industry, seasoning works and brickworks. The name 'Wandong' is aboriginal dialect for 'Ghost' (gee I love Google). It is also home to the Wandong Country Music Festival (Yeehaa!).
Late Edit: I have read everyones blogs via Bloglines but for some darned reason I can't post comments at the moment! Fark Farken Bloger!!! (Whoops did I say that out loud??).
Looking forward to catching up when the Blogger boffins get their shit together.
Ha ha, love the ute comp at the Wandong Music Festival :-)
I had that commenting problem recently. I had to sign into Google (which I think I did via Bloglines) before I could comment.
Come over to wordpress where the grass is greener.
Wow - nice freebie.
The run isn't too bad either ;-)
Woo hoo- free stuff that is useful. You will definitely be seen with that camel back. Enjoy Wandong.
Wandong sounds like a good place to fill the Camelback. It's a nice safe colour for those cars and trucks on the Hume ;)
I have a cmael pak thingy... which i bought for cycling. maybe once i start doing longer runs i should try it out.
and yours is fluro.. that way ppl will see you coming... or going as it happens :)
You put my year to date figures to shame at the moment. Using your analogy I've only just got out the front door.
Can't knock back free stuff.
Darned Blogger!
Hehe well you havent missed me as this is the first time in weeks that i have surfed blogger land!
Nice Camelback by the way...they are great for longer runs though i find i can easily drink 2L in 10km if i am not careful!
Is there really a Mount Disappointment or are you just messin' with us?
Of course, I live near the Superstition Mountains, so what am I talking about.
Arizona, USA
Nice Sparks. You can never have too many running accessories -can you?
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