I'm back
While in Briagolong I was tasked to Strike Team 0805. A group of six, four wheel drive vehicles made up of a Nissan Patrol "Strike Team leader" and 5 Landcruiser ute type appliances. The Landrcruisers had small 'bolt on, bolt off' water tanks and pumps and are therefore called "Slip-ons". We were involved in containment line building and backburning.
7am briefing.
My crew partner Micheal, dousing out a hotspot.
Filling the water tanks.
My appliance Upper Beaconsfield Slip-on.
Starting a backburn.
Dusty roads.
The author having fun.
Where is the shower?
After eating like a pig while away and the lack of running leading up to this weekend I have been feeling very bloated and FAT. I have avoided the scales for the last couple of weeks as I didn't really want to know how bad the damage was. So it was with great treperdation that I weighed myself this morning. A little shocked the scales hit 99 kilos! It was time for a run.
To start the path of rediscovery my dog Oscar and I set out for a 5km loop around the local area. We completed the 5.1km distance in 0:24:52 and both of us were very puffed.
Further Motionbased details can be found here.
I was starting to get worried about you- glad are back safe and sound and I hope the rain hurries up to help everyone out. Those extra kilos will be easy to lose at this time of year!
You post pictures of yourself in uniform and/or funny hats more than anyone I know (actually I don't know anyone else that does that).
Glad you are back safe and sound.
Great stuff Sparks - thanks for all you do as a volunteer.
Good work with the run too.
Like 2P said, thanks. I can't imagine how we'd get by in times like these without the help of the volunteers.
You deserve that good looking brekky :-)
Good to see you back safe and sound....guess i will be getting a bill from you for the dry cleaners...
I had a feeling that was what you were up to.
You guys are heroes, growing up in a bushfire area and having a mum that still lives there I have nothing but respect for the CFA guys and gals. My first BF was a CFA Vol (used to love him in that uniform too but that's another story)
I hope you have a fantastic and well deserved Xmas with your family and that if you are called back to the line of duty you stay safe and well.
you are very brave!
the pictures are great
i too am avoiding the scale :p gak!
wow, you're a champion.
Great pics Sparkles - really reminds us of all the hard work you put in
99 kegs hey? At least you didn't hit triple figures...a few runs and a few less full fried breakfasts will have you trimmed back down in no time ;-)
Hope you have a wonderful Crimble with your family
National Hero Sparks,
Top effort.
Good on you SD. Great job - much appreciated.
Too many healthy breakfasts I think...
Great work SD. Thanks for your efforts.
Stay safe and have a very merry christmas.
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