Chicken Pox
She broke out in spots after school last Friday and the doctor has said she will have to stay home for at least 5 days.
As my wife Sal works mornings and I work afternoons looking after Lucy during school hours has thankfully not caused many problems. The only hassle is that with the heat wave on the weekend, and Lucy's condition keeping me housebound, I haven't been out for a run since my last post.
Isn't it strange that when you are unable to run is the times when you miss running the most? (That made sense in my head but reading it in print?? I don't know?)
The continuing bushfire situation and high temperature kept the CFA busy for the past weekend.
As mentioned earlier the temp gauge got pretty high. 37.8 degrees (100 Fahrenheit to some) on Saturday and a whopping 42.1 (107.7) on Sunday.
I attended a few local , small incidents including smoke alarms operating, road side cigarette butt fires and an idiot making prank emergency calls to name just a few. I also nominated to go as relief crew to the Gippsland fires but my services weren't required.
Just as well now with Lucy's chicken pox condition.
As much as she stays resting the faster she will recover, even if she looks better don't let her move a lot. Those chicken pox grow again, so resting will make them go away faster.
This time off will help your mind commitments. :D
You are a CHAMP!
Shame for Lucy to start the Christmas holidats with chicken pox....poor kid! I feel so sorry for her...I can still remember having them centuries ago!
I hope you're able to keep well away from the bush fires too.
Best wishes to you & family for a happy Christmas.
My God, don't you just want to ram someone when you see them throwing a ciggie butt out the car widow, it makes me so MAD, bet it makes you even MADDER, grrrr
Thanks for the tip re smiling at the driver, if you see a redhead smiling inanely at you, that's me, hold the train LoL
Gees, how can people be so irresponsible - cigarette butts, prank calls. Idiots! Must be so frustrating for you.
PS Poor little Lucy!
It's different when you choose not to run....
Hope the Learner Driver gets well soon.
I no longer understand smokers and I definitely don't understand smokers who throw their butts out the window. Hope Lucy is enjoying the couch even if you aren't.
I agree that it when you can't that you miss it the most.
Hope little SD makes a speedy recovery!
Poor Lucy! Courtney had them when she was four, and it was pure hell!
I was reading the other day that in NZ Movember raised $700,000 with 11,000 "Mo Bros" taking part! I bet the totals in Aus were a lot higher even! Great stuff.
Hope those bush fires stay away from your patch - and that the idiots doing those stupid, wrong things get whats coming to them!
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