Sunday, June 04, 2006

The Next Challenge

Some of you may have noticed that I have set my 'Next Big Thing' to the Sri Chinmoy Princess Park 30km. It is a step up after the half and I was unsure of the 6 laps of a 5km course. I like my runs to have a little bit more variety. Then I thought if Tesso and others can run a 100+km's on a 500 metre track the Sri Chinmoy event will be a walk in the park (pardon the pun).

I ran a fartlek session on the treadmill at work last night. 7.6km in 40 minutes. I upped the top speed to 14.5kph and had the incline at 2%. Last night I nearly fell off the back of the machine during the one of the sprints. I was watching Funniest Home Videos and during a particularly amusing video, I didn't paying as much attention as I should have and strayed a little close to the edge. With a grab of the handle, a quick sprint and a loud yell of something that resembled "FARTLEK!!" I soon avoided disaster. Of course someone had to be watching, I just wish they had a video camera going at the time.

After 744 kilometres I think my Asics Kayanos are close to replacement time. I have felt a few niggles after runs and I don't think the shock absorption is working as well as it did. Noticing a ad on the back of the latest R4YL magazine for the latest Kayanos has probaly influenced the idea a little too. Though I have been impressed with Sal's success with her two pairs of Brooks. I may have to check out their range and see if there is anything I like.

Edit: I have just surfed the net and noticed that the 2006 Melbourne Marathon has been announced for October 8th. It started me thinking that if I could run 30km at Princess Park in late July, 42.2km in October would be possible.

Hhmmm I wonder.....


Blogger Sekhmet said...

The Full Monty hey???? I have now put my half mara debut back to the MM06, figured I want to concentrate on improving my 10k time first.

I think you are mighty brave to do 6 laps of a 5k course, I reckon it would drive me mad - as I have mentioned before, a nightmarish runner's groundhog day! At least you get to keep waving at everyone while you keep passing them, that makes it a bit more fun!

As for 100km on a 500m track - that's just madness! Good on them, but what a mental battle to keep going - phew!

5:50 PM  
Blogger Wobbly man said...

Good luck with the shoe purchase! I get all mine over the net. Saves about $80 and they get delivered to your door.

10:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Melb Marathon, it's possible, catch you at the start line.

11:30 PM  
Blogger Hilda said...

It happened to me too on my last session on the traedmill. I won't do any speed work there anymore, it wasn't funny. I got scared.

You know you can do it... now decide...

3:24 AM  
Blogger Simlin said...

Go for it Sparky!
I chickened out after similar thoughts following my HM debut...scared off by the commitment it would take.

10:01 AM  
Blogger Tesso said...

I'm glad you've decided on the 30k - how exciting! It really is such a good distance to race. Plan it well and you won't hit the wall and do the right thing afterwards and recovery time will be minimal.

Look on the bright side of the 5k laps. You can (hopefully) leave supplies on a drink table or whereever so it reduces the need for carry too much extra weight around with you. And you get cheered every 5k. Though you won't get quite as many cheers as you would on a 500 meter course :-)

Exciting also about the marathon thoughts!

6:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. I've heard it said that shoes are often only good for 500-700kms. My Asics Numbus must've done more than that since Sept. last year but seem to be fine, although I did get a brief return of shin soreness recently.

2. I fell off a treadmill at set at 12km once when I used to work at a gym. It was 0650 (before opening) and the security guard walked in and scared the shit out of me and I forgot to keep running and BANG - off the back like a .22


8:04 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Just starting to have jarring problems
and my Kayanos have just passed 700k so
i think it's time isn't it. I saw that
you mentioned 14.5kph while doing your
fartlek - the one i often do is a min of
each of 14 then 10 then 14 then 10 etc
for about 15mins. Adjust the speeds to
suit but is a great session. Of course
2degs of incline as well!


9:42 PM  

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