Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Movember 1st

For the month of Movember (formally November) I will be growing a moustache.

Much to the annoyance of my dear wife Sal I have decided to encourage growth on my upper lip to raise money and awareness for men's health issues. Money raised will be used to change the face of men's health by creating awareness and funding research into prostate cancer and male depression.

More information can be found at the Movember website.

Donations by credit card can be made here. Please enter my rego number of 23127 and all donations over $2 are tax deductible.

Not only will growing a Mo raise money for a very good cause I think a Mo will help my running training and style.

There have been some great distance running legends who's Mo's have helped them along the way.

The legendary Robert De Castella used his Mo for good and not evil by winning the 1982 Commonwealth Games marathon in Brisbane, the Rotterdam marathon in 1983 and the 1983 World Championships marathon held in Helsinki.

In 1983 'Deeks' and his Mo were made Australian(s) of the Year.

1986 he defended his title and won the Commonwealth games marathon in Edinburgh, won the 1986 Boston marathon and also won the 1991 Rotterdam marathon.

Yiannis Kouros is known as the "Running God", "Golden Greek", "Pheidippides Successor", "World Record Breaker", "Unstoppable", and as the "Master of Pain".

He is undefeated in any continuous world-class ultra-marathon competition beyond 100 miles.

He holds every record from 100 miles to 1,000 miles, from 200 km to 1,600 km, and from 1 day to 10 days.

Yiannis also starred as Pheidippides in the movie A Hero's Journey about the history of marathon running.

For the next month I will take inspiration from these two running legends and only hope I can grow a Mo half as good as theirs.

My Mo and I. Day 1.

To kick off Movember I ran my regular 10km loop this morning. Completed in 0:48:17 but I did pause the Garminator awhile as I chatted to some friends.

More details for this run can be found here.


Blogger 2P said...

You may be onto something SD ;-)

2:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We had a group work (baseline) photo today at work...there is about 26 of us growing the Mo...apparently though I will be sleeping on the couch for most of Mo-vember...all in the name of mens health.

4:00 PM  
Blogger Ewen said...

The 'Deek style' should suit you (and Sal) SD. Good cause.

An animated version of the daily photo would be cool.

5:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my god....Guess who wont get ANYTHING in the month of Movember!!! However he does get browny points for the fantastic cause behind all this!! Geez it seems now I am a fence sitter LOL

7:50 PM  
Blogger Em said...

Aghhhh, I have serious beard fear, that includes Mos!!! great cause but and you post totally cracked me up.

It will be interesting to see how creative you can get with it, I am thinking a Lemmy (motorhead) might be a goer :-)

When I get off my butt and get my credit card I'll shoot off a donation. Keep the progress pics coming though.

9:26 PM  
Blogger LBTEPA said...

Can't wait for the progress photos.
Go Mrs SD for being so tolerant, and good on you for 'putting your face out there' for men's health.

9:30 AM  
Blogger Vicky said...

Fantastic post SD! (And to think I used to find Tom Selleck sexy!!!!)

Great cause - its happening here in NZ too. Good on you for getting involved! I think you should reserve the pleasure of shaving it off at the end for Sal !!

12:16 PM  
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5:02 PM  

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