Thursday, July 13, 2006

1.7 kilometres to go.

As the title suggests I have 1.7kms to go before I crack 1000k's this year. I'm almost tempted to go for a spin around the block to even it out.

But it is getting late and I have already had dinner so this milestone will have to wait for another day.

It has been 3 days since my last post and I will quickly catch up.

Tuesday the 11th
The area we live in is still growing and there is new housing estates popping up everywhere. It also has plenty of beautiful display homes close by that my wife Sal and I like to browse through. Oscar and I set off this day for just a cruise through some of the newer areas to check out land sites and get a feel for the area.

We ended up running 7.8kms in 0:40:01 and covered a bit of ground. I noticed some brand new homes that people had moved into in the past week. It reminded me of when we shifted into our current house. It had been raining for two weeks and we had a brand new home in the middle of a sea of mud. It was so much work to get the garden and outside areas to what we have now. I'm not too sure if I really want to go back and do it all again.

More details can be found on Motionbased.

Wednesday the 12th
On this day the Hal Higdon Marathon plan has me running a 11km distance. Once again Oscar and I set off but this time I just set the Garminator for 5.5km and turned back home when the alarm sounded. 11km in 0:53:56.

I was impressed with the splits on this run. The two highest times was while climbing hills.

If that doesn't totally bore you more information can be found at Motionbased.

Thursday the 13th
Today I had a one and a half hour meal break in the City so I took my running gear to work.

I set off from Flinders st Station and turned on the Garminator when I got to the north bank of the Yarra river. Then headed east till I arrived at the Anderson st bridge. I crossed the Yarra and pushed myself up the Anderson st hill and completed a clockwise circuit of The Tan.

Back at Anderson st I turned back to work this time following the south bank of the river.

(Gggrrr here I wanted to add some boring but very cool maps and graphs but bloody Blogger won't let me!!)

I ended up covering 8.42kms in 0:40:40. More information can be found at Motionbased here.

Tomorrow is a rest day and also a DDO/RDO/EDO (whatever you may call it) from work.

I will be back for my 1000k breaking run on Saturday.


Blogger Hilda said...

Already 1000 that is great.... (I'll check my numbers)

Now I see, it is true, my family, well my husband is very supportive!

6:55 AM  
Blogger Wobbly man said...

Go on! Get out there and run around the block a couple of times. I bet you will feel good when you have!

7:52 AM  
Blogger Tesso said...

Will done SD. Remember to celebrate it properly - throw your hands up and shout a big "woohoo" when you get to the 1000k mark :-)

9:40 AM  
Blogger R2B said...

Thats awesome!
I have wonder if have passed that mark yet...would have had to of.

Did you run when you were younger SD?
Or have you come fresh like me?

12:06 AM  

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