Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Lysterfield Lake Park

No running today. I'm saving myself for 8km on the treadmill at work tonight. I figure if I struggle for time during the day I will just save it for work then I get paid to run.

A friend of mine, Salli, and I went for a walk around Lysterfield Lake Park this morning. It was pretty cold and started of with heavy fog. We got up to close to a curious kangaroo and I took the oppurtunity for a pic.

In all it is a walk of about 5km's. I don't know how long it took as I didn't take my watch (aahhh free!!). I also found a hill that would be great for some hill sprints later. Lysterfield Lake Park looks great and I should really do some more running around here.

A few nights ago I also took this great pic at work.

It is taken from the cab of the second last Pakenham train while approaching Officer. Not really running related but I wanted to share it.

I have noticed on the Marathon Training Plan that there doesn't seem to be many km's during the week. More so the long runs on the weekend is where the kilometres seem to play out. Also the longest run is 30km's. Thats about 12k's short of race distance. Is this normal for Marathon training?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even though i think you were itching to run around the lake, i was glad for the company this morning....thanks

5:10 PM  
Blogger Hilda said...

By the way I wanted to ask you if you choose to train the intermediate II for your first marathon?

The training models I've seen never have more than 20 miles to run.

Like the pictures, share all sorts of them, lovely to see Autralia as it is!!!

10:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great pics and I really like the one of the station, very artistic.

I'm not sure which training plan you're referring to as I haven't looked at one for years.

I'm probably not the best person to give advice as I don't run to rigid schedules or plans, but somehow I get to the start line. I believe you are right, especially for your first marathon, the k's after 30-32 are the killer ones. If you can get a 35 k'er in all the better. In training you have to know what it feels like after 3 hours of running.

11:19 PM  
Blogger Tesso said...

I agree with Steve. I like to get at least one 35k run under my belt. Its certainly worth investigating other programs and seeing what might suit you best. Does your current one also include a longish (15 - 17k) mid week run?

PS Luv the train pic!

10:03 PM  

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