A bike ride and pics
First off I must offer an apology. My 11km running course is actually 10.3km.
Suspicious of my sub 5:00 mins a kilometre (I'm just not that fast). I decided to get the push bike out, replace the cycle computer battery, and measure the distance.
While riding I measured out a slight detour to my regular trial. That new route has added a bit making it 11.6km. I ran this yesterday in a more modest 1:01:48.
Inspired by Lucky Legs photo taking skills on her Blog I decided to take my camera and a snapshot of every kilometre.

This picture was taken from the front of my house. From here I run forward turn left then turn right. I live in a housing estate that is about 10 to 11 years old. You will have to excuse all the piles of garbage lying next to the roads. It is hard rubbish collection week. The streets don't normally look like that.
1 Kilometre

Here you can see the first shooping centre that I pass (first of 3!). It is a fairly small, community shopping strip with a supermarket, swimming school and some speciality take away food shops. Behind the shops is a primary/secondary school. They have kids from grade prep to year 12. With around 1500 children it is very big.
2 Kilometres

This is around the point where I enter in the neighboring suburb of Hampton Park. I have just passed the horse paddocks that Oscar likes to peer into. I follow this road for around 800 metres then turn on to a bike path.
3 Kilometres

We pass another school here. It is a young area so there is plenty of primary schools around. I can usually let Oscar off the lead here and he loves to run free. Just have to secure him if we see other people. He is a very gentle dog that looks mean. People tend to freak out if they see him running loose.
4 Kilometres

Between here and they last pic we pass over a wodden bridge and a wetland. There are plenty of ducks and swans in the water and I should have taken a pic but it didn't fit into my km markers. Maybe next time. Approaching on the left is yet another primary school.
5 Kilometres

We follow a main road along here. It is a lot softer surface than the presiding concrete and I quite enjoy it. You can see a Aldi's supermarket on the right and over the hill we pass a christmas tree farm.
6 Kilometres

At this point we have just climbed two rises. There is one more to go but they aren't that big.
7 Kilometers

Behind the clump of trees on the right hand side is Santa's house. I know he is not Santa but gee he looks like him. If Santa is out the front I know we will want me to stop and have a chat. He really likes Oscar too so he will give him some attention. Today I am relived to see his gate closed.
8 Kilometres

This is the new part of my course. I wanted to start upping the distance to get closer to the 14.7km Run for the Kids distance. This new route has added 1.3kms to my trip.
9 Kilometres

Here we have another bike path. Go up a bit further, turn left and you pass yet another primary school.
10 Kilometres

Here I pass the third shopping centre on the left hand side. It is the largest in Narre Warren South and has a Supermarket, Post Office and many smaller shops. A here chicken shop does the best Chicken Schiznel chips and gravy. Not very good for the running athlete I want to be and but very hard to resist. I passed my Grandmother out for a walk a bit further ahead. Paused the stopwatch as she wanted to have a chat.
11 Kilometres

My kids school is on the left here. It is only 12 months old and I like to help out and volunteer for things when I can.
At this point I normally turn on the speed for the run home. I now know that it is 600 metres to go and I run it as fast as I can.
Well that is it for my new 11.6km course. As I mentioned yesterday I ran it in 1:01:48 and I see heaps of room for improvement.
I also enjoyed the bike riding today and plan on adding it for some cross training.
Suspicious of my sub 5:00 mins a kilometre (I'm just not that fast). I decided to get the push bike out, replace the cycle computer battery, and measure the distance.
While riding I measured out a slight detour to my regular trial. That new route has added a bit making it 11.6km. I ran this yesterday in a more modest 1:01:48.
Inspired by Lucky Legs photo taking skills on her Blog I decided to take my camera and a snapshot of every kilometre.

This picture was taken from the front of my house. From here I run forward turn left then turn right. I live in a housing estate that is about 10 to 11 years old. You will have to excuse all the piles of garbage lying next to the roads. It is hard rubbish collection week. The streets don't normally look like that.
1 Kilometre

Here you can see the first shooping centre that I pass (first of 3!). It is a fairly small, community shopping strip with a supermarket, swimming school and some speciality take away food shops. Behind the shops is a primary/secondary school. They have kids from grade prep to year 12. With around 1500 children it is very big.
2 Kilometres

This is around the point where I enter in the neighboring suburb of Hampton Park. I have just passed the horse paddocks that Oscar likes to peer into. I follow this road for around 800 metres then turn on to a bike path.
3 Kilometres

We pass another school here. It is a young area so there is plenty of primary schools around. I can usually let Oscar off the lead here and he loves to run free. Just have to secure him if we see other people. He is a very gentle dog that looks mean. People tend to freak out if they see him running loose.
4 Kilometres

Between here and they last pic we pass over a wodden bridge and a wetland. There are plenty of ducks and swans in the water and I should have taken a pic but it didn't fit into my km markers. Maybe next time. Approaching on the left is yet another primary school.
5 Kilometres

We follow a main road along here. It is a lot softer surface than the presiding concrete and I quite enjoy it. You can see a Aldi's supermarket on the right and over the hill we pass a christmas tree farm.
6 Kilometres

At this point we have just climbed two rises. There is one more to go but they aren't that big.
7 Kilometers

Behind the clump of trees on the right hand side is Santa's house. I know he is not Santa but gee he looks like him. If Santa is out the front I know we will want me to stop and have a chat. He really likes Oscar too so he will give him some attention. Today I am relived to see his gate closed.
8 Kilometres

This is the new part of my course. I wanted to start upping the distance to get closer to the 14.7km Run for the Kids distance. This new route has added 1.3kms to my trip.
9 Kilometres

Here we have another bike path. Go up a bit further, turn left and you pass yet another primary school.
10 Kilometres

Here I pass the third shopping centre on the left hand side. It is the largest in Narre Warren South and has a Supermarket, Post Office and many smaller shops. A here chicken shop does the best Chicken Schiznel chips and gravy. Not very good for the running athlete I want to be and but very hard to resist. I passed my Grandmother out for a walk a bit further ahead. Paused the stopwatch as she wanted to have a chat.
11 Kilometres

My kids school is on the left here. It is only 12 months old and I like to help out and volunteer for things when I can.
At this point I normally turn on the speed for the run home. I now know that it is 600 metres to go and I run it as fast as I can.
Well that is it for my new 11.6km course. As I mentioned yesterday I ran it in 1:01:48 and I see heaps of room for improvement.
I also enjoyed the bike riding today and plan on adding it for some cross training.
A pic each KM. Nice on SD !
You need to find some hills mate. It looks really flat around your joint. :)
Great pics SD! I like the pink car in the driveway at 11k ;-)
Maybe all we bloggers should do a similar thing for their 'regular' route.
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