Sydney Harbour Bridge

After 853 gruelling, stop/start kilometres the elatiant runner, picks up his pace, lifts his arms in the air, and crosses the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
The air is filled with the cheers and claps of friends and family that have turned out for this monumentus virtual milestone.
Spark Drivers skin tingles with emotion, or is that a burning sensation as the historic bridge explodes in fireworks around him.

Defence Lake Attack follow up.
After receiving a lot of comments regarding the reported 200bpm towards the end of the Defence Lake Attack I decided to upload the heartrate/distance graph for the event.

I didn't think that 204bpm would be that unbelievable to a slightly overweight, slightly out of form runner?
And yes. I have added the Melbourne Marathon Half as my next "To do" thing.
Thanks for that post SD. It make an old Sydney-sider happy to see those snaps.
And thanks for you recent comments too.
Excellent! you will have a great time at the Melb HM - just the thing to keep you motivated (you lucky duck LOL)
Not sure it's good that you made it before the end of the year. I hear Kevin07 is a better cook than Little Johnny ;)
The graph shows the individuality of HRs. I've always had a low max. These days, 166, with 5k race pace about 160.
Great post! Good luck in Melb.
home therapy
I think my top HR is around 175-178. Hopefully, you felt fine at +200.
Wooohoo the bridge and an announcement of a marathon - nice work mate!
Lucky you aren't a week behind schedule, all the road closures for APEC might have stopped you in your tracks.
I'll be in Melbourne for the full, we'll have to catch up!
Ah... Sydney... just in time for APEC! Now that MMHM is on the agenda, you should pop down for one of our sessions at Jells Park!
Love this post, love the images too... the graph is such a good tool to use in your case..keep it up.
Well done on making it to Sydney. See you at the HM!
Brilliant post! :oD Well done on the 10k SD, and you are taking on the half at the MM07? Sounds like the perfect motivational tool :oD
Good luck SD! :o)
How's your training going?
So how goes the training? Where are you up to now if you calculate how far you have run?
I know this is a bit of an ask) if you know anyone AT ALL who suffers from chronic pain - or if you wouldn't mind, yourself - could you ask them if they'd mind filling out some questionnaires (anonymous) to help with my reserarch? I wouldn't ask except I'm desperately scrounging for subjects!
Anyway take care and see you on the 7th - I'll be at the CR cheersquad :)
Well done babe. How are the foot problems going? I am still going through tests etc. Am on crutches atm for my rolly polley ankle. So thats fun. You are doing well with your running. Good work on the defense atack
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