Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Defence Lake Attack 2007

This year was my third time as a participant in the Defence Lake Attack and I am pleased to say that the organisers finally got it right.

After last years manual recording of finishing times shamozle, it was refreshing to see that they had finally introduced the windag timing system.

You may remember last years 10km distance was very short. The 600 metres short according to the Garminator was very frustrating when I was pushing for a PB back then. This year the organisers had done their homework and added a dog leg section to make the 5km per lap accurate.

My friends Caz and David from Run to the G joined me again as we car pooled into the event. We had to pick up our numbers there so we left a bit earlier. I was a little apprehensive about the number pick up business expecting chaotic queues but it was surprisingly orderly.

We watched the 5km racers start first and every one jumped when the starters gun, a 105mm Howitzer, boomed out over Albert Park Lake.

Next I joined the 10km runners lining up, I wasn't pacing this time around so I wished my car pooling buddies the best of luck.

Even though we were warned, and expected it, everyone still jumped when the cannon fired announcing the start.

I took of fast. I knew I had lost a lot of form since last years event but I knew it was a fast, flat course and I wanted to make the best of it.

The first and second kilometre passed in 4:31 and 4:38 pace. A bit too quick for a Fatty Bombah to be running so I slowed it down a little.

Kilometres 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 went by at an average 4:52 but I was starting to feel the earlier quick pace catching up with me.

The last three kilometres I struggled to keep it around 5:06-5:02 per kilometre and I was grateful to see and pass through the finish line.
Considering that I am carrying 10 kilos more than this time last year I was very happy to complete the event in 0:49:01.

I may now resemble Fat Albert when I run but I can still hold my own over 10km distance.
My friends also finished the 10km race. David in 0:57:40 and Caz finished in 1:00:58 with Coolrunnings own Slow Sue.

Even though they had only briefly meet before the event, Slow Sue stuck with my friend Caz, who was struggling with a sore foot, and encouraged, prodded and paced my friend over the finish line.

Makes me proud to be a Coolrunner seeing such selfless acts as that.

After downloading all the Garminator data I could see that the last kilometre and a half my heart rate was over 200bpm! This can't be good for a 36 year old male and I may have to work on my fitness more before pushing myself like this again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well either the Garminator got it wrong, or you have the heart of a 20 year old!!

Welcome back. :-)

3:53 PM  
Blogger Tesso said...

Well done! That's a super result considering.

Now just think what you can do with some regular training under the belt!

5:52 PM  
Blogger Simlin said...

Nice to see you back in the saddle Sparkie! When is the next one?

8:19 PM  
Blogger MorseyRuns said...

Great work Sparkdriver- and no more photos of Fat Albert- we all know that is not the story. So is the Melbourne Half Marathon calling your name??

8:37 PM  
Blogger Pat said...

200 bpm? that can't be right, can it? glad you got a good race in.

gotta run, pat

11:09 AM  
Blogger 2P said...

Glad you can hold your own - I can barely reach mine :-)

Gotta be happy with the sub 50! Well done mate.

2:11 PM  
Blogger DianeE said...

Well done! Surely the Half at Melbourne is on the cards?

10:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great effort SD. You know you can only get better. I think the Garmin may have got it wrong re - the heart rate. I get spikes all the time.

10:23 PM  
Blogger Ewen said...

Garminator was having palpitations cheering you on to the finish.

49:01 is pretty damn good all things considered. If you take off 30 secs per kilo of Fat Albert, that's 44 minutes with not much training!

5:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great time considering you have had some time off, well done :-)

7:48 PM  

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