Saturday, January 21, 2006

Lysterfield Lake run

I was planning to go to Lysterfield Lake tomorrow but with the expected forecast of 41 degrees I decided to step it up to today.

I drove to the park early without Oscar (dogs are not allowed) and arrived about 10 minutes before the gates opened at 8:30am. I parked the car and packed some stuff into a small bum bag, phone, I.D, water and car keys. Perusing a map I planned on starting on the Lake Circuit Trail which was 6.25km back to the car. Then maybe the Homestead trial at 6.8km depending on how I was feeling.

There was a lot of other runners and bike riders about. I set off well crossing the dam wall then hitting a hill straight up. It felt like a steep climb but I managed to plod along reach a flat then following it too the right. I stopped to take a picture of a kangaroo, something I don't normally

see on my runs, then continued with uplifted spirits.

I returned to the car in 37 minutes or so (stuffed up pressing stop on my watch). The sun was starting to get a bit of a kick to it so I decided to give the Homestead Trial run for another day.

There was a few guys in the car park who after going for a run where donning their wetsuits. I figure they must be training for triathlons. I must admit this has sparked my interest.

Not quiet the 1 and a half hours running that I planned on but I will make up for it when it is a bit cooler.


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