Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Final Post

Well the writing has been on the wall for awhile so to speak, and after 182 post dating back to the 24th of November 2005 I have decided to "Pull the Pin" (train driver lingo) and finish up my personal blog.

Going back over the last 25 months I have been fascinated by the amount of stuff I have written. Those that know me personally know that I usually don't have that much to say. The blog has been a outlet for things stored up in my head I suppose.

But now with constant time constraints, the blogging has become more of a chore that I was starting to despise, not the outlet that I once did enjoy so much.

I want to thank all those people that have followed and supported me. Not only have have you provided words of encouragement with my running but also funded my causes with Movember in 2006 and again in 2007 ($460 raised for Movember in 2007!!).

I would often think of individuals while trudging out the miles and I have to say that the support I have had, from people I will never meet has at times been overwhelming.

I will be continuing my running. I am currently organising a team from the Narre Warren CFA to enter this years Run for the Kids. Our team is also fundraising for the Children's Hospital. Our progress can be monitored and donations made at

I will keep the blog active for a month or so but with today's age of identify theft (alot of personal information is here) I will be deleting the blog after a time.

In farewell I will quote the late Ed Bradley, an American journalist,

"Because when it gets to the point where it's not fun anymore, I've always hoped that I would have the courage to say goodbye and walk away from it."

Regards Damien
aka Spark Driver.


Blogger Louise said...

It's been nice knowing the virtual you. Perhaps we'll meet for real sometime. :-)

Keep on runnin'

- Louise

11:07 AM  
Blogger Pat said...

Good luck in the future. I did enjoy your blog, but understand that it sometimes can become a lot of extra effort. I wouldn't erase it all. I bet in the future you or your youngsters will like to read it. It is a history worth keeping.

Good luck in 2008 and God Bless.

11:39 AM  
Blogger Samurai Running said...

Say it isn't so ,SD!

I hope you change your mind as apart from a way to keep other up to date, as Pat says, it is a record of your thoughts and actions that would be priceless to you kids or the future SD.

At least keep a paper dairy. I'll miss reading the descriptions of your travels from place to place in Australia.

Happy New Year!

11:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All the best for the future Damien, I have enjoyed following you on your journey and it was great to meet you at a few of the races

Look after yourself and keep on running :-)


12:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's been nice knowing you....hang-on, what am I saying, I'm sure we'll cross paths at various events.

I did like your theme of your virtual location after so many miles of running. I thought about emulating that and decided not to, it was your idea (maybe I can pinch it now).

When I run along the Federation Trail, along the rail line, most times I wave at the passing trains, who knows it could you or Dale A.

I'm with the others. You might as well just leave it sitting, the blog that is.

1:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Damian it was good to know you in Blogland.

Best wishes and maybe just maybe our "tracks" will cross some day.

Best Wishes Adrian

1:21 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I understand that a day comes when we know it's time.....for something to happen! In your case, SD, it's your blog which I've read, not commenting as often as I should, but I always knew you were there.

I wish you many happy days and years of running in the future & continued success with your wonderful fundraising ventures.

3:48 PM  
Blogger Cazzie!!! said...

I have been checking in whenever I can and it is with sadness I bid you adios. You seem to have some great things to say but I know, there is more to life than blogging..and our family and kids come first.
Have a wonderful time wherever you go and a safe time at that.

6:06 PM  
Blogger Ewen said...

That's sad Damien. I've enjoyed reading your blog. If it's no longer fun, well done on having the courage to "pull the pin" (you learn something new every day).

I hope your running continues to be fun - I'll look out for you at the Melbourne Marathon, should you have another crack.

Take care mate.

7:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck with everything you hope to achieve in 2008 Sparky.

Hopefully will see you at some of this year's runs

7:41 PM  
Blogger MorseyRuns said...

See ya Sparkie- good luck with everything. I have really enjoyed reading about your running and the rest of things along the way. Hope you stay fit without us here to check up on you!

9:47 PM  
Blogger Tesso said...

I'll echo what the others have said ... I'll miss you! I liked reading about your running (I like reading about anyone's running) but also really enjoyed reading about your other exploits.

I can understand how you feel though, when it comes to blogging I must admit I'm getting close to be over it.

Hope we get to meet in the real world one day.

Meanwhile, run happy, take care, and most of all stay safe when you are protecting the community.

10:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take care SD - no doubt our paths will cross again one day. Enjoy your running.

6:12 AM  
Blogger LBTEPA said...

Well mate you just MAKE SURE you come and say hello at the next zoo run or wherever. Take care Damien

6:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SD - see you at a run soon - remember to say 'hi' other I will be pissed ...

Take care

Eat Em

12:18 PM  
Blogger Simlin said...

Good Luck SD.

Look out for me at the Melbourne Mara this year. I might pull off a sneaky trip to fit that one in this year ;)

All the best.


3:05 PM  
Blogger DianeE said...


It is interesting that you want to close your blog because you say it has become a chore. I was feeling like this for a while too. Instead of completely stopping, I just take 'walking breaks'!! Sometimes I go for a month without a post. Othertimes I may post every day. I hope that you sometimes come back to it. Your blog is about you and your achievements, so whatever you do please don't ever erase it!

I am sure we will catch up soon at a run somewhere!


9:48 PM  
Blogger Jadey said...

Such a shame babe, I hope you stay in touch. Will miss your updates and your stories. Best of luck hun!

Always a good friend xoxox

10:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like your posts...

Wangaratta Motels

10:11 PM  

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